The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

by Jessica When I was in Basic Training for the Army, prayer was on the most important things that I had to help me through it. Every morning and every night, I would kneel up on my top bunk and pray for strength for me and my friends who were struggling in my unit....

Who Are You When No One is Looking?

There’s a new video in YouTube that is a re-enactment of a true story. A girl left her purse at a church dance. She was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You might have heard of members of this church being called Mormons. This is a nickname...

Thoughts on Baptism for the Dead

Thoughts on Baptism for the Dead

by Jessica In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, when a boy or a girl turns the age of twelve, they are able to do what’s called “Baptisms for the dead.” This is the opportunity to do the baptismal ordinances for those who have passed on, who didn’t have...

Thoughts on Evil Spirits

Thoughts on Evil Spirits

by Jessica In the beginning, when a powerful spirit was cast down for rebellion, “he became Satan, … the devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will” (Moses 4:4). He and the spirits who follow him are still...

The World vs Eternity

The World vs Eternity

By Susan E. Lately I have been hyper-aware of the fact that the world has nothing to offer us for eternity. Let me describe what I mean by “the world” and by “eternity.” If you are not a Latter-day Saint, a little background might help you understand what I am trying...

Thoughts on the Law of Chastity

Thoughts on the Law of Chastity

by Jessica As President Joseph Fielding Smith stated, "No more loathsome cancer disfigures the body and soul of society today than the frightful affliction of sexual sin. It vitiates the very fountains of life, and bequeaths its foul effects to the yet unborn as a...

New Genealogy Website for Teens

New Genealogy Website for Teens

Have you ever wondered where your brown eyes come from or why you love to cook when your parents don’t? Have you ever sat in a history class and wondered if any of your family was involved in the events you were studying. You might have a favorite historical hero,...

Teens and Swearing

Teens and Swearing

I’m reading a popular book for older kids and teens right now to review and it’s a great book except that the author uses God’s sacred name as a swear word over and over again. It isn’t essential to the story or even the character. She could just as easily use another...

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