Chelsie Hightower: Mormon and Modest

Chelsie Hightower: Mormon and Modest

Most dancers, even very young ones, wear immodest clothing without giving it any thought at all. For Mormon dancers, this can pose a challenge. Mormons believe in showing respect for the body God has given them by using it correctly, and not using showing it off to...
For Torah Bright, Clean Living Pays Off

For Torah Bright, Clean Living Pays Off

A lot of people think being a “goody-two-shoes” is a bad thing. Some celebrities love their bad reputation, but for Torah Bright, the Australian Olympic Snowboarder, living a morally clean life is really paying off. Sponsors are lining up to sign her on because, after...
David Archuleta Says Family is His Inspiration

David Archuleta Says Family is His Inspiration

David Archuleta, a finalist in a previous season of American Idol and a popular recording star today, says his family is his inspiration. His life as a singer really began when his father brought home a recording of “Les Miserables,” which he quickly...

Mormon Testimonies Online!

Heber J. Grant stated, “I believe there is nothing in all the world that can compare with the joy that a man feels when he realizes that he has been the instrument in the hands of the living God of reaching some honest heart, inspiring in it a love of God and the...
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