by Terrie Lynn Bittner | Oct 3, 2011 | Blog, Service, Teen Life
Have you ever wondered where your brown eyes come from or why you love to cook when your parents don’t? Have you ever sat in a history class and wondered if any of your family was involved in the events you were studying. You might have a favorite historical hero,...
by Terrie Lynn Bittner | Sep 24, 2011 | Jesus Christ, Teen Life
I’m reading a popular book for older kids and teens right now to review and it’s a great book except that the author uses God’s sacred name as a swear word over and over again. It isn’t essential to the story or even the character. She could just as easily use another...
by | Aug 22, 2011 | Blog, Teen Life, Teens Making a Difference
I watched a YouTube video I just loved. Marissa is a singer from Hawaii. She sparkly and pretty and talented, but more than all of that, to me, she is a spiritual young woman. She’s seventeen and she wants to influence other people with music in the way it has...
by | Aug 18, 2011 | Friends, Mormonism, Teen Life
When Brad Wilcox was a missionary in Chile, a man whose teenage son was thinking about converting to Mormonism, asked “What do you get for becoming a Mormon?” Wilcox answered, “Oh, just a little thing—salvation.” Of course, salvation isn’t a little thing at all, but...
by | Aug 12, 2011 | Teen Life
Find out why some real teenagers and young adults are choosing to wait until marriage for intimacy.
by | Jun 3, 2011 | Finding Truth, Obedience, Teen Life, Uncategorized
The Mormons have a new video for teenagers (of any faith) who wonder what the limits are in teenage romantic relationships. Here is a fun way to look at the issues involved. Talk about this with your parents!