Siblings–Rivalry or Friendship?

How do you feel about your brothers and sisters? Are they your friends or do you find yourself fighting with them? Friends come and go through life, but your family is forever, and building a good relationship with them should be a top priority in your life. ...

Our True Identity

A few years ago, I asked some teenage girls I was teaching who got to decide who was beautiful and what was in style. They realized they didn’t know, so we talked about the media and some of the self-centered reasons fashion trends were created and why some...
Are You a Modern-Day Pioneer?

Are You a Modern-Day Pioneer?

This week we’ve been learning about teens who changed history and who serve as examples of heroism and courage even today. Their stories are still told today because they stayed with their faith even through persecution and terrible trials. Those trials affected their...
Summer Volunteer Work

Summer Volunteer Work

A lot of teens think of summer as a chance to kick back and relax, maybe mow a few lawns to earn some cash…a break from life. Other teens, though, see it as extra time to make a difference in the world. When they go back to school and get asked to write the usual...
Teens Are Important in Mormon Pageants

Teens Are Important in Mormon Pageants

How are you spending your summer vacation? Many Mormons teens are spending part of it working on summer pageants—not beauty pageants, but elaborate outdoor plays. Most teens live in the United States, but some even come from other countries, paying their own way and...
Peer Pressure and Popularity

Peer Pressure and Popularity

When I was growing up, people were always telling me to avoid negative peer pressure. They made it sound so easy. “If someone asks you to do something you shouldn’t, just say no and walk away.” Sometimes inspirational stories told in church classes made it sound...
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