The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which is commonly called the Mormon Church, believes that the use of drugs or alcohol can be very harmful to the body and that neither should ever be used. Mormon youth are taught from a very young age to not drink any alcohol and to not use any type of drug that is not specifically for medical purposes.
Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, received a revelation from God which Mormons now call the Word of Wisdom. This revelation states that “In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I [the Lord] have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation” (D&C 89:4). The Word of Wisdom states that it is not healthy to drink alcohol, to smoke or use tobacco, to drink hot drinks (which is now understood to mean both coffee and black tea), or to use any kind of herb which is not strictly for medicinal purposes.
In addition to forbidding things which are harmful to the body, the Lord also makes suggestions for healthy lifestyles. He mentions that meat should be used sparingly, all herbs and fruits should be used with “prudence and thanksgiving,” and in the revelation preceding the Word of Wisdom, the Lord also commands the people to not be idle and to make sure they go to bed early and get up early to increase the energy of their minds and bodies.
In today’s society, choosing to not drink alcohol, coffee, or tea and to also not use any drugs sets Mormons apart from the rest of the world. It is not a practice which is mean to convey any kind of holier-than-thou attitude, but is rather a principle of obedience. Many people argue that alcohol, coffee, or tea used in moderation is not harmful to the body. This could be true, but the Lord saw the conspiring hearts of businessmen who try their hardest to get consumers addicted to their products. The best way to steer clear of that kind of entrapment is to not use the products at all. It is also a principle of faith. The Lord promises wonderful blessings of health, knowledge, strength, and even protection if the people follow His counsel.
Encouraging your Mormon friends to break the Word of Wisdom has far more serious consequences than you might think. To most of the world, participating in these types of activities is harmless and fun, but the breaking of a commandment carries far more serious consequences for those who have promised to live them. If you understand the principle behind the decision of your Mormon friend to not drink or do drugs, you may gain a respect for that decision and even become helpful to them in obeying that commandment. You can explain to others who maybe don’t understand the reasoning behind it and help them help your Mormon friend to live his or her religious beliefs.