The priesthood authority – God’s power on Earth – is a Mormon doctrine often understood by Mormons and non-Mormons alike. We use words like “power” and “authority” to describe what men have when they hold the priesthood, but these words conjure up images of oppressive, selfish, self-indulgent men. Mormons believe that the power and authority of the priesthood are not the same as the power of man. The power of the priesthood is the power of God, and cannot be used selfishly or oppressively. The powers of the priesthood, though held by men alone, are meant to bless everyone. President Monson clarifies what it means to hold the priesthood:

mormon missionariesThe priesthood is not really so much a gift as it is a commission to serve, a privilege to lift, and an opportunity to bless the lives of others. (Thomas S. Monson, “Our Sacred Priesthood Trust,” Ensign, May 2006, 57)

The blessings of the priesthood are meant to be given to the entire world-but they must be delivered by someone. Priesthood holders have the duty to bless their families and those they are called to preside over by the power of the priesthood. Men have this responsibility: to use the priesthood to bless the children of God, living or dead, with all of their assistance in the work of God.

Men are given this power and authority from God to use in doing God’s work. The authority of the priesthood that they receive is consistent with their priesthood duties, whether they are presiding over a family, spreading the gospel over the world, performing saving ordinances, or leading in the Church.

It is the duty of priesthood holders both old and young to remain worthy and exercise the priesthood, thus serving both God and their fellow humans. The priesthood is the best way for men to grow and serve, just as motherhood is the best way for women to grow and serve. The Lord made us for these tasks, and he made these duties for each of us, so all of his sons and daughters can grow by serving and by the service of others.

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