by | May 11, 2011 | Agency, Blog, Friends, Jesus Christ, Mormonism, Teen Life, Youth
Sometimes, teenagers who have been taught that God expects us to live by high standards and to condemn sins wonder how they should react to people who live in different ways. What about tolerance? Mormon leaders have talked about this a lot. Mormon is an informal...
by brady | May 2, 2007 | Agency, Blog, Encouragement, Jesus Christ, Mormonism, Obedience, Repentance, Service
Growing up is hard. Being a teenager is often awkward, but in youth and young adulthood we make crucial decisions that determine what adults we will become. Deciding whether to stay morally clean, who and when to date, whether to have a Temple marriage, what college...
by brady | Mar 27, 2007 | Agency, Blog, Encouragement, Jesus Christ, Repentance
Mormons believe that God made a way for everyone to return to him through Jesus Christ, and the way is repentance. It is not a punishment for sin to have to admit wrongs, change our ways, and sometimes confess to a bishop. The steps of repentance put us back on the...
by brady | Mar 20, 2007 | Agency, Blog, Repentance
“You live in a time of great challenges and opportunities. As spirit sons [and daughters] of heavenly parents, you are free to make the right choices. This requires hard work, self-discipline, and an optimistic outlook, which will bring joy and freedom into your life...