by | Apr 13, 2011 | Blog, Finding Truth, Mormon Church news, Mormonism, Service
Some reviewers of the Book of Mormon Musical on Broadway have pointed out the musical doesn’t just insult Mormons—it also really insults the people of Uganda. While Uganda does have a great deal of poverty and many problems, they aren’t unsolvable problems and not...
by | Jan 17, 2011 | Blog, Finding Truth, Teen Life, Understanding Your Mormon Friend, Youth
A few months after becoming a Mormon at age seventeen, I wrote in my journal, “I’ve figured out why the Mormon kids never get into trouble. They don’t have time.” My new life as a Mormon had me very busy. I’d always been a shy kid, more comfortable in a corner with a...
by | Jan 15, 2011 | Blog, Finding Truth
If you’re trying to find out if the Mormon Church is true, you will find your Mormon friends and the missionaries asking you to pray about it. Mormons don’t want people to join their church based on the beliefs of another human being. They want you to have your own...
by | Jan 6, 2011 | Blog, Finding Truth, Mormonism
We’ve been talking about how to decide which church to join. Since this is a website by Mormon people, naturally we’re hoping you choose us. If you’ve started looking into the Mormon religion, one of your first questions might be “What is the Book of Mormon?” Some...
by | Dec 23, 2010 | Blog, Finding Truth
As you start looking around to see what churches are out there, you’ll need to find out what each one believes. How do you find that out? Today, we have more sources for information than ever before. You can put a religion’s name into the search engines and come up...
by | Dec 20, 2010 | Blog, Finding Truth, Jesus Christ, Scripture Stories
Last post, we talked about a teenager named Joseph Smith, who prayed to find out which church to join and to know what was true. He got a rather unexpected response—God and Jesus came in person to answer his prayer. The Bible promises us that if we ask God for wisdom,...