by | Aug 30, 2010 | Mormon, Mormon Church news, Mormonism, Teen Life
In the last post, I explained that a recent study showed Mormon teens and teens who attend black churches were more committed to their religions than other teens. In this series of articles, we’re looking at what the author says churches need to do for their teens and...
by | Aug 30, 2010 | Mormonism, news, Teen Life
There is a new book out getting a lot of attention because it talks about a study done on teenagers and religion. It showed that fewer teens are attending church and when they do, they aren’t very committed to their religions. They go on Sunday and then forget about...
by brady | May 2, 2007 | Agency, Blog, Encouragement, Jesus Christ, Mormonism, Obedience, Repentance, Service
Growing up is hard. Being a teenager is often awkward, but in youth and young adulthood we make crucial decisions that determine what adults we will become. Deciding whether to stay morally clean, who and when to date, whether to have a Temple marriage, what college...
by brady | Apr 17, 2007 | Blog, Encouragement, Mormonism, Obedience
There are times when it’s too easy to see how different Mormons can be from the rest of the world. We keep different standards and often do things the rest of the world doesn’t do, like attending Mormon Church meetings and Mormon temples. James E. Faust gives...
by brady | Jan 18, 2007 | Blog, Encouragement, Mormonism, Service
Most of us will probably not have the opportunity to save fifteen people (single-handedly) from a flaming building, a sinking ship . . . well, name it. We might be ready to dive in at the first hint of trouble. We might dream of heroism of one kind of another. I know...
by brady | Jan 9, 2007 | Blog, Encouragement, Jesus Christ, Mormonism, Service
The world is sometimes dark and often cynical. And very often selfish. It’s easy to get caught up in our own desires and our own wants and our own needs. There are so many of them, and school and work and friends keep us so busy. “Doing good” sometimes can seem like...